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lo-res  hi-res  Phil, Kelly, Patty and Steve at the Scenic Overlook on the Kancamagus Highway

lo-res  hi-res  A scenic view north of Conway, NH on Route 16

lo-res  hi-res  Another angle from the same place

lo-res  hi-res  Kelly, Phil, Steve and Patty using the telescope at the same place

lo-res  hi-res  Heading North on Route 16

lo-res  hi-res  Coming up on the NH 16/US 302 north split

lo-res  hi-res  US Route 302 looks flat here, but mountains loom in the distance.

lo-res  hi-res  An old cemetary along the road

lo-res  hi-res  Now it's starting to get a little hilly.

lo-res  hi-res  This is not a likely candidate for a road any time soon,...

lo-res  hi-res  ... but it's fun to ride around.

lo-res  hi-res  The "Silver Cascade" on the North side of US Route 302.

lo-res  hi-res  Steve decides he needs to do a little rock climbing, much to Patty's dismay. "It's a GUY thing!"

lo-res  hi-res  Phil gets out ahead of the boys.

lo-res  hi-res  Kelly is happy to stay on the tarmack

lo-res  hi-res  So is Patty. Remember, it's a GUY thing!

lo-res  hi-res  Steve and Phil on the Cascade. Steve decides to jump across. Patty didn't like that idea!

lo-res  hi-res  Back on the road again

lo-res  hi-res  The mountain tops are covered in clouds.

lo-res  hi-res  What better way to end a great riding day than a stop at the Liquor Store?

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This page last edited Sunday, July 02, 2000 by Dan Steves.