Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I made a bid for the Iron Butt club. I rode from Woodbridge, VA (leaving the Holiday Inn Express at 8:00AM EDT) to Appleton, WI (arriving home at 1:55AM CDT) via MD, WV, OH, IN, IL and WI. I burned interstate all the way to Milwaukee so I could make time. I lost a bunch on I-70 WB east of Indianapolis, IN due to a fatal accident near exit 96. I-66 west to I-81 north to I-68 west (the National Freeway) to I-79 north to I-70 west to I-465 north to I-65 north to I-80 west to I-94 west to US-45 north to US-41 north to exit 142 and home.

The traffic jam pictures are here.


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