This box is a dual Pentium III/450 (Intel 440NX) with 192MB RAM and 60 GB SCSI hard disk. It is running Fedora Core Linux 3. It is on the Internet through a dedicated DSL connection to Ameritech, who have a DSL circuit (finally!) here in Appleton, WI.
For those of you interested, this machine is also my firewall. I write my own rule sets, so take a crack at it if you think you can get through. Challenges welcome.
Check out this server's status here. It will automatically update every 30 seconds, if your browser supports it.
Links to local users
Locals here are free to make their own web pages. Some of these haven't changed in years, but then again, some have.
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since March 30, 2003.
This page last updated Tuesday, August 18, 2009 09:32 AM -0500 by Dan Steves